The Wise Sayings of Robbie Lindauer and I'm out of

Monday, January 13, 2025

El Presidente

         In the twixt of the twilight of magic and metal, when steel machines rule where pixies once plotted and twisted, and the rule of law surpassed the rule of the gods or YHWH, there on the beach, the truth is spoken every second in the onslaught of The Voice, relentless against the rocks splashing equality from above and below, bringing stone to its knees with the piss of sea giants and krill the same, the greatest equalizer.  There on the rock stood El Presidente's house, an effective ursurper-king, with a stolen throne, a tyrant, selected not by God or man but by machinations and chance and luck and greed, night-time executions and mass graves, the devil standing in the flesh above the waves, surveying as his what clearly can not be owned.

        His children playing on the playa below, the smell of dead marlin, old crab shells molted on the rocks, like forgotten toys, their friends coming in from the city, the peasant children who's fathers El Presidente would send to war to die, and who would die for their country soon enough themselves, satisfied, the city bells ringing in the distance as supper is served in the main hall, high above the sounds of the mariachi in the city.

        Vieja, said his doorman, loud, as she spat in the servants face.  Her wares strewn across the porch toward the fallen angelic fountain in the center of the courtyard, her face red from the strike, where the foolish man landed his iron glove when she defiantly called him a fool.   El presidente stared down for a second, hearing the scream and the slap and the bells and feeling honestly nothing but hunger and the desire for a cigar and chocolates, he decided to capture the moment there to break the boredom of kingdom building with the sting of commotion.   Coming down the stairs he heard the woman yelling louder and louder at the servant who was about to draw his weapon when El Presidente stayed his hand.

        "What's going on here?"  he said as though coming to the rescue of the poor woman who, turning her attention from the problem to the source of the problem, began to glare and pour out curses from hell onto the aging politician who did not recognize her, his mother, who had hated him from birth, born in a brothel, set loose to his father's brigade during the revolution, and finally a "self-made man" El Presidente, a hero by all accounts except this one.

        The woman ravaged by old age and poverty, the mistreatment of a mulatta among the mestizos and conquistadores, a waste of a human by all accounts except the demons that inhabited her eyes and voice that carried it soaring above the waves like a hunting pelican, not quite coherent except as she caught El Presidente's attention she said:

        "When you were born the devil took you and he should keep you."  She screeched as his steel-toes hit her face.

        El Presidente only saw an old woman falling off the cliff into the ocean as he booted her down the wasting granite into the sea of crabs waiting eagerly to finish what El Presidente had started.

        Dinner was served at 5:30 as usual and the servants gathered around to ensure El Presidente's wine glass was full, that his wife's plate was full of pork, that his children's table had flan and that his concubines were satisfied in the south porticulus.   His guests, the minister of finance, the general and the arch bishop of San Pedro, laughing, drunk and full on a roasted pig and the delicious gorditas served as dessert wearing the lurid clothing of their profession.  The mix of mullatta's smell

ed sweet to El Presidente's now seasoned taste.

        He raised his glass of Cognac and boasted:

        "Gentlemen, who can compare what God has given us today, we are the earth's kings and nothing can stop us."

        That night, out of the watery grave the old woman crawled, half-eaten, animated by hatred and justice and the devils of the deep, crawling over walls, slipping through windows, where the poison of a generation of fouled citizens celebrated El Presidente with a final curse, the water welling up in his lungs, instant pneumonia pretending to be karma, the coughing and spitting intermixed with the laughs of those lives he'd wasted on his climb up the rocks to the president's palace.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Monday, December 25, 2023

Repent, America, your time is coming if you won't.

 Jeremiah was sent to Israel to tell them to repent.

God said:
"If at any time I announce that a nation will be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and that nation repents of their wickedness, then I will relent and not do the disaster I had planned.
And if at another time I announce that a nation will be built up and planted, and if it does evil in my sight, then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do for it."
These promises of God are good today as they were in the time of Jeremiah when Israel, my people, had fallen into the worst sins, burning their own children in fires to Molech who is money, and worshipping Ashteroth the goddess of fertility rather than Adonai, the Lord of All, Love is His name. God provides the rain, not Asteroth. They worshipped Baal, the god of power, and thought that the idols they made with their hands would save them and did not do the things God asked, which were:
To love the Lord with all their hearts and all their minds and all their might, and to love their neighbor as themselves.
To defend the widow and the orphan, to seek justice and love mercy.
This is the true religion that God accepts.
Now for the United States, and the countries of the world, do these same promises not apply to you?
They do.
Are you so blind that you do not see that your government is just doing what you want them to? They enable your sins - they make you drink until you're drunk and ruin your bodies and minds. Are you so deaf that you do not hear their lies? And can you not see the bodies piling up in the service of the god of Power, Baal? I count them by the thousands, the victims of our own greed, lust and vanity, thinking that it is by our power that we save ourselves.
I praise God that He has made plain - he will accept those that repent, that call on His name and accept His Mercy. But for the proud, those who will not repent, what is God's promise? Destruction.
So then, Citizens of the United States, you have a choice, Good and Evil.
Will you choose Trump who oppresses the foreigner and worships money and power above all things? Who stands proudly defiant against God and says he has not sinned? Who pays bribes to judges, and kills his own servants and lets them take his blame?
Because this bloodthirstiness in our land is the reason your children suffer, why you live afraid of your neighbors because each is as bloodthirsty as the next.
What is wrong with you!? You know that the God of Israel, YHWH is the one God and know what He demands is justice, but you suffer the unfair judge, you write their unfairness into laws and call it justice, but it amounts to the same, the oppression of the poor, the desolation of the widow and the creation of the orphan ... the exact opposite of what God asked.
Repent or Perish, God is not mocked to this day. Do you think because we have nuclear weapons that God can not avenge his people?
What good is a nuclear weapon against an angel who is directed by God to bring vengeance for his people?

Sunday, December 17, 2023

The Cost of AI - not just dollars but people.

 I'm a speed chess player.   Mostly because at "standard chess" computers have long been able to beat me and everyone else (including Magnus Carlson and anybody else you think is cool at chess) at "standard" or even "30 minute" timed chess.   I remember when Karpov was beaten by Deep Blue because I'm old...

I took a semester of AI in College with Andy Clark, by all accounts a brilliant man.  I've written my own AI game players and chatbots.   

But I didn't devote my life too it because honestly I think it's a scary technology that we're playing with akin to the nuclear bomb and handing one to everyone on the planet just doesn't seem wise.

That said, I'm not alone in this opinion, and the idea that you, dear reader, will have at your disposal a fully function super-intelligence is laughable.  One might have you at its disposal though.   

That said, we're just starting to consider the cost of the games we play, consider this report from the IEEE:

That's BILLIONS of dollars people, but I think the more important problem is the Brain Drain.

AI is an enticing commercial opportunity rewarded by public and private funding with CASH.

Without putting too fine a point on it, what if we spent that money on something smart like removing the Carbon Dioxide and Microplastics from our oceans so we don't all die?

Back to the speed chess problem.   In speed chess the goal is distraction - the opponent feels the need more to solve -your problem- than their own problems and thus takes -time- which runs out more quickly when you play a game you don't understand versus one you do.

We humans are having that time problem, and so many of our brightest minds are distracted by it.

Don't be distracted, this is a fight for our planet and the 'enemy' here is heartless capitalism.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

The Resurrection

 Traditional objections to the resurrection of Jesus are:

A) the apostles (Or someone else) were liars involved in a hoax.

B ) the body was stolen by some unknown third party

C) the apostles (and all other witnesses) were hallucinating. 

Let’s take these one at a time.

The Liar Theory

10 of the twelve apostles are known to have died defending the faith, where a simple admission of lying would have ended the affair. Instead, each of these ten, some of them knowing what was coming, decided to allow themselves to be martyred rather than disclaim any tiny bit of their story, The stories of the deaths of the apostles are not all recounted in the Bible but in various other writings of historians of the time. That is, we know that they voluntarily martyred themselves. This behavior, defending a known lie to the death, is not sufficiently common in humans to be a defensible position. Maybe once or twice, and by accident, but knowingly and after a lengthy trial, it’s simply not credible to assert that they were all trying to pull a fast one. This is compounded by the fact that none of them had anything to otherwise gain from the perpetuation of their would-be lie which essentially was the claim that God loves all people. One can imagine, for instance, a myth surrounding the death of Elron Hubbard who's family and organization profits immensely their religious organization, but what is lacking here is motive and evidence. In short, the dieing testimony of each of the apostles was that Jesus was raised from the dead, and each of them claimed to be eyewitnesses of such. This written testimony by them is still admissible in court and with the corroborating evidence of ten witnesses, surely Jesus' resurrection could be established in a modern American Court were the matter tried (and many American judges and historical judges are themselves believers).

The Later Lie Theory
One version of the "lie" theory has it that Jesus' resurrection was fabricated at some later date (as was for instance the story of the Norse gods who's originary documents date from the 13th centory (the prose and poetic edda's) and are obviously fiction. In fact we have physical copies of parts of the New Testament dating to the time when being a Christian was illegal, countering any claim that Jesus was a late fabrication of the Romans. The ruling authorities of the time, Jews and Romans, could not, though they tried quite desperately, disprove the apostles claims, so much so that hundreds of thousands of early Christians between 50 and 200 ad (long before the establishment of the Catholic Church) we’re killed for their faith with the single condition being that they recant resulting finally in the conversion of the Emperor Constantine himself.

In short the vast conspiracy required to get millions of people including emperors, governors, and millions of regular roman and other citizens from all walks of life is obviously false.

The Stolen Body
B ) the theory that -someone else- stole the body has been floated, but it fails to account for the the sightings of Jesus after the incident which were also attested to by the same people who wrote about Jesus' resurrection. It also fails to account for the posting of the Roman guards who were questioned afterwards. Whoever would have stolen the body would have to either have overcome the members of a Roman legion without making any noise or causing the Romans to claim it was stolen (the tomb was in the city) and whoever he had with him at the time (like walking into a national guard base and stealing a tank except that the guards were on high alert).  

If the Romans or Jewish leadership had stolen the body, to discredit the newly formed sect they easily could have produced it ending the issue on any day including any of the days on which Christians were told to recant at trial.

The hallucination theory
Jesus appeared first to Mary magdalen and Mary Jesus' mother, then the rest of his apostles, then to more than 500 people at his ascension. This kind of mass-hallucination simply is unknown. In the age of television we have magicians who seem to fool thousands of people, but they have television and are able to perform tricks that can later be edited, the witnesses to Jesus’ physical appearance (including cooking, eating, walking, talking, and even having someone physically examine his recent crucifixion wounds by touch) were all physically present for the event. If Jesus or -someone else- was pulling a fast one or they were all drugged for days, etc, it wouldn’t explain why everyone had the same experiences of him as a physical bodied man.  

This last one is sometimes propagated alongside the “swoon” theory, or the theory that Jesus didn’t die on the cross but was merely in a coma or something. But this doesn’t account for the massive blood loss after the crucifixion, lack of sanitary conditions and medical care, and the efficiency of the Romans at killing someone when they wanted to. Again, an absurd proposition.
Yes, with the help of modern technology and some good television editing we could make it seem like someone died but hasn’t really, but not in the pre industrial world of the Romans and 1st century Jews.

Even today, stories of a convicted criminal coming back from the dead after, say, a lethal injection or electrocution are commonly explicable as technical errors, and easily corrected, and the Romans took a last stab at Christ on the cross with a spear in his belly to make sure he was dead.
In short, the proposition that Jesus didn’t rise from the dead is a more miraculous one than the idea that He simply did rise from the dead.

Lastly, given the rest of Jesus' miraculous life, this last miracle isn’t surprising. During his life he is known to have resurrected Lazarus, one of his friends, after having been dead for several days, a fact which was well known at the time, and is further attested both in the quran and other ancient and competing accounts. The point being that were Jesus some random person, the quran for instance or Josephus or any of the countless other historians of antiquity, would have had no reason to mention him. Instead he is the most important figure in history by any account, the ultimate cause of the fall of Rome, the reason for the invention of the printing press and the foundation of science itself as the promoter of the simple ideas of objective truth, love and faith in God.

Smarter Than God

 This being the problem with Atheism in general, from the beginning of written history humans have known that there was some explanation for why the world exists that was beyond this world.   It's obvious.  Our world is finite and amazing and we are conscious loving beings in it.  You don't find that kind of thing just swimming around in any pool of water.

Naturalism, the theory that you do, of course is based on "science" but what do the scientists actually say, I mean the smart ones who invented the science on which all of this is based?

Socrates (dialectical rational thinking) - Theist

Plato (abstract thinking) - Theist

Leibniz (calculus) - Theist

Newton (physics) - Theist

Cantor (set theory) - Theist

Goedel (incompleteness) - theist

Einstein (relativity & quantum mechanics) - theist

Planck (quantum mechanics) - theist

Faraday  (chemistry and electromagnetism) - theist

Boyle (chemistry) - theist

Darwin - (evolution) - theist

Neuberg (biochemistry) - theist

In short, all of what is currently accepted as science was invented and pioneered by theists, and not just theists, people who strongly argued from their personal belief in the existence of God which they regarded as a consequence of rational contemplation of the matter.

This seems abundantly obvious to me too - the contrary ideas are as follows:

a) The entire universe came from nothing.   But of course nobody believes this, since nothing comes from nothing.

b) the entire universe is an error.  This ascribes simultaneously omnipotence and idiocy to the creator of the universe, which is equivalent to the claim that the claimant is smarter than the creator of the universe, per absurd.

c) there is no universe.  This delusional error is the foundation of Nihilism which is contradicted by the fact that you are reading this sentence, implying the existence of the sentence and you as a minimum, but equally, medium of transmission of the sentence (since you didn't just suddenly "get" the sentence, you're reading it probably on a web-page since that's where I published it).  Websites and blogs don't come from nowhere, and neither did the English language.  Similary, your ability to read English is not a miraculous appearance but the development of a skill over time which you can at least partially remember in general (except in extreme cases of amnesia).  Thus, the existence of a group of 'facts' is given in any communication and Nihilism, the theory that nothing exists, is strictly and obviously false.

Thus each of these ideas is absurd, leaving essentially the one conclusion that this world came from a source which is, from the point of view of this world, omnipotent, that is, capable of bringing about this world as a minimum.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Deadpool 3 Final Exam

Deadpool III Final Exam, Deadpool A-Z
If deadpool was blown up by a nuclear weapon:
a) would he still regenerate?
b) why or why not?
c) would he be multiple dead pools or one deadpool rejoined from all the "pieces"? If so, what "pieces" would be required to make "enough of a deadpool"?
d) If multiple deadpools, would it be okay for them to date multiple women even if they had one true love, does this explain anything about the marvel-multi-verse because obviously the one he _really_ loved was Vanessa, right? Or?
e) If multiple deadpools but only one true love, Vanessa, what is the maximum number of deadpools Vanessa would consider taking on "at once"? Both in dating and sex, obviously 
f) Could they get married, like if all the Wade's continued to have the same social security number and stuff? Could a few of them get married? What would be the maximum condonable Wade's for one vanessa to marry given that they're all horndogs? Should she marry some and tell them that their relationship is always going to be purely platonic if they ever speak at all? What do the Muslims do when a man exceeds say, 365 wives, are there rules about this? Do they apply to muslim women? Why or why not? Would the US recognize the marriage if it was say, done in Saudi Arabia?
g) If Vanessa got pregant by one of the Wades she was not married to would it still be the married one's baby? Should he be mad about it? What if the other one snuck in and fooled her? What if he didn't? Should Vanessa be mad if Wade isn't?
h) Would Wade still be masturbating if it was a circle jerk of wades? Would that be forbidden by the old testament? By the New Testament? Would anyone else care? Would anyone like a video? (PM me  )
i) How many wades would it take to change a lightbulb? How many wades can sit on the head of a pin? Would they prefer anal dildos? Is this something that each individual would need to "decide" or are they "born that way"? Wouldn't this be the best test of the question, in fact, decide Nature versus Nurture finally and formally? 
j) Would it be unethical to do the testing required in (i) above if it saved Billions of actual humans so much suffering to know either that they were born this way or that they became this way through nurture or they decided it themselves. What if this testing actually brought about a real Wade who could regenerate like in the movies? Would it then be unethical to restrain him to continue using him for human experimentation? Would the government be required to tell us under FOIA?
k) Didn't the government do that actually, and call it MK Ultra? Do you really think they stopped in the 60's? Is Stan Lee really some kind of weird insider who knows what the government is -really doing- and decided to tell us all in code?
l). If yes to (k) above, does anyone know professor X, I need to have a word with that guy.
m) If one wade robs another wade and a third one stops them, are there any legal implications? If so what?
n) If only ONE wade is regenerated from the nuclear explosion in the supposition, would his powers change? If so, how?
o) If one wade, how much of the original wade would have to be returned? 
p) What is the maxium speed that wade-particles can travel, supposing that energy is emitted from a nuclear explosion at the speed of light as mass is transmuted to energy, what is the minimum time in which Wade could be re-formed? Why?
q) if he Wade-particles can move faster than light, would that imply that wade can currently move faster than light and is just playing with us all? 
r) Can wade make a wormwhole just by shitting?
s) If wade can be reformed, can he be reformed in only one way? If more than one way, would that imply the existence of a multiverse of wades?
t) If the wade multiverses collided with the spiderman multiverses, would there be multiple multiverses, exponentially many? 
u) If the number of multiverses of when Wade's met Spidey's was transfinite, might there be too many multiverses, that is, wouldn't the number of possible multiverses outnumber the number of possible numberings per Cantor's theorem? In short, are there too many possible Wades? Does this prove Mathematics or Physics is wrong? Why or why not?
w) What would wade wilson want with weathered wagging walrus wisdom-teeth without wiggling windpipes? Can you say that 5 times fast?
x) What is the longest wade-wilson alliteration you can make up in English
y) Same as above but in any language?
z) Copy-> paste with answers? I hate those but Covid-time games are time-games.