Thursday, April 21, 2022

Smarter Than God

 This being the problem with Atheism in general, from the beginning of written history humans have known that there was some explanation for why the world exists that was beyond this world.   It's obvious.  Our world is finite and amazing and we are conscious loving beings in it.  You don't find that kind of thing just swimming around in any pool of water.

Naturalism, the theory that you do, of course is based on "science" but what do the scientists actually say, I mean the smart ones who invented the science on which all of this is based?

Socrates (dialectical rational thinking) - Theist

Plato (abstract thinking) - Theist

Leibniz (calculus) - Theist

Newton (physics) - Theist

Cantor (set theory) - Theist

Goedel (incompleteness) - theist

Einstein (relativity & quantum mechanics) - theist

Planck (quantum mechanics) - theist

Faraday  (chemistry and electromagnetism) - theist

Boyle (chemistry) - theist

Darwin - (evolution) - theist

Neuberg (biochemistry) - theist

In short, all of what is currently accepted as science was invented and pioneered by theists, and not just theists, people who strongly argued from their personal belief in the existence of God which they regarded as a consequence of rational contemplation of the matter.

This seems abundantly obvious to me too - the contrary ideas are as follows:

a) The entire universe came from nothing.   But of course nobody believes this, since nothing comes from nothing.

b) the entire universe is an error.  This ascribes simultaneously omnipotence and idiocy to the creator of the universe, which is equivalent to the claim that the claimant is smarter than the creator of the universe, per absurd.

c) there is no universe.  This delusional error is the foundation of Nihilism which is contradicted by the fact that you are reading this sentence, implying the existence of the sentence and you as a minimum, but equally, medium of transmission of the sentence (since you didn't just suddenly "get" the sentence, you're reading it probably on a web-page since that's where I published it).  Websites and blogs don't come from nowhere, and neither did the English language.  Similary, your ability to read English is not a miraculous appearance but the development of a skill over time which you can at least partially remember in general (except in extreme cases of amnesia).  Thus, the existence of a group of 'facts' is given in any communication and Nihilism, the theory that nothing exists, is strictly and obviously false.

Thus each of these ideas is absurd, leaving essentially the one conclusion that this world came from a source which is, from the point of view of this world, omnipotent, that is, capable of bringing about this world as a minimum.

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