Monday, July 13, 2020

Deadpool 3 Final Exam

Deadpool III Final Exam, Deadpool A-Z
If deadpool was blown up by a nuclear weapon:
a) would he still regenerate?
b) why or why not?
c) would he be multiple dead pools or one deadpool rejoined from all the "pieces"? If so, what "pieces" would be required to make "enough of a deadpool"?
d) If multiple deadpools, would it be okay for them to date multiple women even if they had one true love, does this explain anything about the marvel-multi-verse because obviously the one he _really_ loved was Vanessa, right? Or?
e) If multiple deadpools but only one true love, Vanessa, what is the maximum number of deadpools Vanessa would consider taking on "at once"? Both in dating and sex, obviously 
f) Could they get married, like if all the Wade's continued to have the same social security number and stuff? Could a few of them get married? What would be the maximum condonable Wade's for one vanessa to marry given that they're all horndogs? Should she marry some and tell them that their relationship is always going to be purely platonic if they ever speak at all? What do the Muslims do when a man exceeds say, 365 wives, are there rules about this? Do they apply to muslim women? Why or why not? Would the US recognize the marriage if it was say, done in Saudi Arabia?
g) If Vanessa got pregant by one of the Wades she was not married to would it still be the married one's baby? Should he be mad about it? What if the other one snuck in and fooled her? What if he didn't? Should Vanessa be mad if Wade isn't?
h) Would Wade still be masturbating if it was a circle jerk of wades? Would that be forbidden by the old testament? By the New Testament? Would anyone else care? Would anyone like a video? (PM me  )
i) How many wades would it take to change a lightbulb? How many wades can sit on the head of a pin? Would they prefer anal dildos? Is this something that each individual would need to "decide" or are they "born that way"? Wouldn't this be the best test of the question, in fact, decide Nature versus Nurture finally and formally? 
j) Would it be unethical to do the testing required in (i) above if it saved Billions of actual humans so much suffering to know either that they were born this way or that they became this way through nurture or they decided it themselves. What if this testing actually brought about a real Wade who could regenerate like in the movies? Would it then be unethical to restrain him to continue using him for human experimentation? Would the government be required to tell us under FOIA?
k) Didn't the government do that actually, and call it MK Ultra? Do you really think they stopped in the 60's? Is Stan Lee really some kind of weird insider who knows what the government is -really doing- and decided to tell us all in code?
l). If yes to (k) above, does anyone know professor X, I need to have a word with that guy.
m) If one wade robs another wade and a third one stops them, are there any legal implications? If so what?
n) If only ONE wade is regenerated from the nuclear explosion in the supposition, would his powers change? If so, how?
o) If one wade, how much of the original wade would have to be returned? 
p) What is the maxium speed that wade-particles can travel, supposing that energy is emitted from a nuclear explosion at the speed of light as mass is transmuted to energy, what is the minimum time in which Wade could be re-formed? Why?
q) if he Wade-particles can move faster than light, would that imply that wade can currently move faster than light and is just playing with us all? 
r) Can wade make a wormwhole just by shitting?
s) If wade can be reformed, can he be reformed in only one way? If more than one way, would that imply the existence of a multiverse of wades?
t) If the wade multiverses collided with the spiderman multiverses, would there be multiple multiverses, exponentially many? 
u) If the number of multiverses of when Wade's met Spidey's was transfinite, might there be too many multiverses, that is, wouldn't the number of possible multiverses outnumber the number of possible numberings per Cantor's theorem? In short, are there too many possible Wades? Does this prove Mathematics or Physics is wrong? Why or why not?
w) What would wade wilson want with weathered wagging walrus wisdom-teeth without wiggling windpipes? Can you say that 5 times fast?
x) What is the longest wade-wilson alliteration you can make up in English
y) Same as above but in any language?
z) Copy-> paste with answers? I hate those but Covid-time games are time-games.