Jeremiah was sent to Israel to tell them to repent.
God said:
"If at any time I announce that a nation will be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and that nation repents of their wickedness, then I will relent and not do the disaster I had planned.
These promises of God are good today as they were in the time of Jeremiah when Israel, my people, had fallen into the worst sins, burning their own children in fires to Molech who is money, and worshipping Ashteroth the goddess of fertility rather than Adonai, the Lord of All, Love is His name. God provides the rain, not Asteroth. They worshipped Baal, the god of power, and thought that the idols they made with their hands would save them and did not do the things God asked, which were:
To love the Lord with all their hearts and all their minds and all their might, and to love their neighbor as themselves.
To defend the widow and the orphan, to seek justice and love mercy.
This is the true religion that God accepts.
Now for the United States, and the countries of the world, do these same promises not apply to you?
They do.
Are you so blind that you do not see that your government is just doing what you want them to? They enable your sins - they make you drink until you're drunk and ruin your bodies and minds. Are you so deaf that you do not hear their lies? And can you not see the bodies piling up in the service of the god of Power, Baal? I count them by the thousands, the victims of our own greed, lust and vanity, thinking that it is by our power that we save ourselves.
I praise God that He has made plain - he will accept those that repent, that call on His name and accept His Mercy. But for the proud, those who will not repent, what is God's promise? Destruction.
So then, Citizens of the United States, you have a choice, Good and Evil.
Will you choose Trump who oppresses the foreigner and worships money and power above all things? Who stands proudly defiant against God and says he has not sinned? Who pays bribes to judges, and kills his own servants and lets them take his blame?
Because this bloodthirstiness in our land is the reason your children suffer, why you live afraid of your neighbors because each is as bloodthirsty as the next.
What is wrong with you!? You know that the God of Israel, YHWH is the one God and know what He demands is justice, but you suffer the unfair judge, you write their unfairness into laws and call it justice, but it amounts to the same, the oppression of the poor, the desolation of the widow and the creation of the orphan ... the exact opposite of what God asked.
Repent or Perish, God is not mocked to this day. Do you think because we have nuclear weapons that God can not avenge his people?
What good is a nuclear weapon against an angel who is directed by God to bring vengeance for his people?
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