Saturday, March 21, 2009


700 Billion or 700 Trillion no longer sound like the large amounts of money they did in years past.

In 1916, less than 100 years ago, there was exactly one billionaire, JD Rockefeller. Now a billion dollars flows out of the US mint like it was so much cow manure.

That it may be. Money is easy to find and products harder to come-by, we're in for inflation. That can be good and bad; but if our economy needs constant inflation to survive we have a problem - and looking at the growth in the money supply since 1970 versus the population growth compared to the same period in 1870 - 1910 we've got a major problem on our hands - US money is becoming worthless.

Part of me says HURRAY - money is the root of much evil, if it becomes worthless then people will stop pursuing it. Part of me, like many of you, may be scared by this.

Whatever is of fear is sin.

Don't be afraid. What power does the world hold over you but death? Of what value would you be to the powers of this world dead?

If the answer to this is lots, then don't be surprised when it comes, but be blessed, remember that Zechariah was killed in the temple.

If the answer to this is none, then don't worry. But pray to become like Zechariah whom the prince would have killed.

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