It has been my practice heretofore to make fun where seriousness is required.
One can not make fun of mass graves and generational-imprisonment, torture, the sponsorship of what is called either terrorism or "interventionism" depending on who's side one is on.
While comedy and harsh words can attract attention to a cause, I no longer believe they can actually stop them.
We have had great success in some ways - putting an end to the support for this immoral government of the United States - and this is reflected in the exciting times we have in our congress and presidential elections. Obviously our governors know that the tide has changed.
But we have had little success putting an end to its immorality. Though Ghandi's efforts or Martin Luther King's efforts to resist the immorality of their governments also took much time and made a great and lasting impact, we have again an urgent need - an ongoing unjust war which our government started with the support of many of us.
If we take the examples of these greatest among men, we know that our sins demand a sacrifice - not the sacrifice of a bull or goat, nor a sacrifice of our enemies at the point of political pressure and the proverbial or literal rolling of political heads. Instead, it requires those who perceive the moral high ground to take concerted and sacrificial action to put an end to this reign of terror.
There can be no doubt that this war of ours in Iraq and quickly spreading to Iran is a war about oil. We warriors of conscience can not fight a battle with weapons, which would destroy our enemies and which we could do. Instead, we must appeal to their very own consciences - we must ask the persecutors of this war and those who benefit to see the error of their ways by appealing to the inner light of truth that all people have if they will but look.
I have in the past in error attempted to reach that kernel in others by "propaganda" - but in the end this is a failure as instead of appealing to one's morality it appeals to one's pure reason - and reason without morality awards prizes for the manufacturing of the best bombs.
As a result, I am now calling upon all people of conscience, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, Athiest, Agnostic and others to join me in the following pledges:
Starting June 30th, 2008 until this war has ended we shall:
- not buy another ounce of gasoline nor use means of transportation that require it (for instance, flying, driving cars, etc.)
- not buy products from or do business with companies that benefit from the evil we see happening in Iraq (this includes many banks, for instance) nor with those who openly support it
- daily write to the president of the united states and our congress people asking them to end this war immediately, appealing to their consciences daily.
Ladies and Gentlemen and fellow citizens, this country is ours despite what our government may do. We have a duty to uphold a just government and an equal duty to oppose an unjust one. In these times, the unjustness of the United States continues in the form of a war, torture, unfair imprisonment, invasion of privacy and general failure to uphold the rule of law in this country. A country that persecutes foreign wars effectively declares itself fair game for invaders. A country who's leaders practice lawlessness is nearly lost. Only by repentance and truth can we again ask the favor of our God.
In truth I say to you I will keep these pledges, I invite you all to do the same.
If you will sign your name to this blog and forward it to your friends of conscience, we shall steer this country toward righteousness and away from certain doom.
If these measures in addition to our previous measures are ineffective, we shall double our efforts until this goal is achieved. Christ said "If your right hand offends you, cut it off."
If you are not convinced of the immorality of this current government please look carefully at the following issues:
Abu Ghraib Prison Torture
American Deaths:
Iraqi Deaths:
Illegal prisoners treated without Geneva Convention:
Illegal Invasion of Privacy on the Part of the Government
The Subversion of the Rule of Law
The Politization of the Legal System
I no longer seek impeachment or change of officers which leads only to more of the same. We need a change of heart in our complete political system and the only way to do this is to take this responsibility upon ourselves.
May God Bless You and Thank You for Listening.
With all Love and in Truth,
Robbie Lindauer